Blockchain in Healthcare:Opportunities in Coronavirus(COVID-19)

Blockchain in Healthcare 

A sudden occurrence of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a worldwide health crisis that has  a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives.

A Blockchain-driven health information exchange can unlock the true value of the difference. Blockchain-based  framework can possibly decrease or eliminate friction and cost of current intermediaries and can handle the frustration highlighted by Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The guarantee of Blockchain has broad implications for stakeholders in the healthcare and biological ecosystem. Underwriting this innovation can possibly produce experiences and better evaluate the estimation of care for associating divided frameworks. Hence, for long term goal across the country, Blockchain Technology can be organized for electronic clinical records to improve limit and support better wellbeing results for patients.

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Current Healthcare System

Most healthcare facilities still rely on outdated systems to maintain patient records. Such programs have the advantage of maintaining patient data in local records. This can complicate diagnosis for a doctor which is time consuming for the doctor and also boring for patients.

Problems in the healthcare are not limited. They keep on developing with time, and higher power. The need for technologically advanced equipment cannot be ruled out. Healthcare data information exchange is another time-consuming and tedious process that results in higher costs to the healthcare industry. Since patients have no influence over their records, there are dangers of character hack, spamming, and money related information violations consistently.

Blockchain Solution

Blockchain Technology is one of the most disruptive technologies these days that has overwhelmed the world by storm. A Blockchain is nothing more than a distributed ledger that monitors transactions and events that occur throughout the network. The data records stored on a Blockchain is completely secure. If anyone wishes to make some changes in one of the block, it is then mandatory to make changes to all the blocks present in the system with governance of different Consensus Algorithms.

Implementation of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare

Regulatory requirements, issues relying on authenticity and security concerns are some of the major barriers to information sharing. A better collaboration can help with accurate diagnosis and effective treatments to deliver cost-effective care. Blockchain can overcome ambiguous data ownership problems that will improve data integrity and peer-to-peer accountability. The patient's consent can be accurately captured using conforming consent provisions. Since they are lodged in an irreversible fashion, health care professionals can rely on it.

Without violating the basic requirements of healthcare sector, it will be possible to collect, store, protect and share health data and enable its real-time use. As floated in the recent reports, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) has limited the use of health care data records and delayed its real-time use for different instances. 
Medical Healthcare  experts will access more data and information generated from the patient's health record, which can result in faster growth of samples. It will empower hospitals, patients and other parties to provide access to their networks without affecting data security and integrity in the healthcare security value-chain.

Blockchain may also open a new opportunity for pseudonym health recommendations in this Coronavirus(COVID-19) crisis. Personal identification will remain secure while health data will be added to the Blockchain. Therefore , patient recommendations can be easily made based on this real-time data records.

Blockchain provides a secure and easily authenticated platform for the integration of data from fitness trackers and devices such as wearable’s that use mobile applications. A single patient can generate certified and secure health data from multiple devices. Based on monitoring and access to their daily health data, continuous health and exercise plans can be made for patients, adjusted as a consistent outcome.

Blockchain technology can truly revolutionize the pharmaceutical sector, as well as the drug discovery, development and delivery process. Previously we estimated that 9 out of 10 new drugs fail this clinical trial, and do not reach the very high FDA-approval stage. A major problem for pharma companies is to obtain important patient data in an era when they are not really trusted by people.

In today's Technological Era, mobile applications and remote monitoring machines are essential for patient care. Blockchain can be applied to these technologies and can improve the safety and quality of machinery.

According to Healthcare reports, 40-50%  of healthcare executives see Blockchain Technology as one of the top 5 priorities in the industry that can manage the extra burden on the Economic Development of the Country.

As, the adoption of Blockchain Technology in health care costs the health industry can get large sum of money  through data breach-related costs, IT costs, operating costs, support function costs and personnel costs, and fraud reduction etc.It will cut all the intermediated amount that get float through the network to reach the destination.

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What Blockchain can provide in Healthcare for fight against this pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19):                              

1.  Decentralized System

As we know, the Blockchain Technology has a decentralized system interconnected with one another which  makes it hackproof and prevents every single copy of data from being compromised or manipulated.

All commodity hardware in the hospital can be built to run on these decentralized systems. It will eliminate all man-made and even natural disasters in which foolproof protection will be provided.
However, the power saved by these systems can be utilized by scientists to make firm calculations to find cures, medications, and treatments for various diseases and disorders.

2.  Single Data Source

We previously studied that all transactions are stored in the Blockchain and only added to the chain after being confirmed by most participants.
Furthermore, the recorded data cannot be changed which proves to be 100% of authenticity and security.

Researchers can use this property to study the undisclosed information of a specific group of people.
This supports longitudinal studies used for the development of precision therapy for effective treatment.

3.  24 * 7 data monitoring and access (Prime requirement during Coronavirus)

Blockchain Technology can be used to store and update useful patient data records such as blood pressure and sugar levels with the help of IOT, wearable’s and other modern devices.
It assures doctors to monitor 24 * 7 patients who are at high risk and inform and alert their caregivers and relatives in an emergency.

4.  Cost Effectiveness

Blockchain technology completely takes out of the equation all third party and intermediary systems that are usually involved in fetching and transferring data.

5.  Constant rules through Smart Contracts

A smart contract is nothing but a computer protocol that digitally verifies, facilitates and implements negotiation.
In healthcare it helps in developing a coherent rule based process for accessing patient data by various organizations.

6. Integrity of Medical Records

Blockchain can be used to ensure the integrity of all medical records. Because whenever a medical record is created, it can be stored in the Blockchain, which will provide complete proof of it because the records in the Blockchain cannot be changed.
This would be a very big plus point because the integrity of the medical record is important for both medical as well as legal approaches.

7. Single Patient Identification

Mismatch and duplication of patient records in healthcare is not as rare. In addition, different schemas of different EHRs make the task difficult as it brings new ways of manipulating data in the simplest way.

However, complete data with Blockchain is hashed for a book. When you are looking for addresses, you will be confronted with many addresses and keys; However, all these will reveal the identity of the same patient.

8. Settlement of Claims

The consumption of time for claim settlements is a pain in the healthcare industry. The smart contract in the Blockchain defines the terms and conditions of the contract between payer and provider.
This claim applies when presented. This is processed in real time after the claim is processed and remitted to the final payment provider.

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