Blockchain in Maintaining Supply chain post-Coronavirus Recovery

Blockchain in Supply-Chain Post Coronavirus  

Key Intakes:

1. Distribution of Coronavirus vaccine would be require one among the biggest supply chain capacities for fighting of this pandemics.

2. Supply of Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine around the world would require between 10-20 Billion vaccines Dose and hence Blockchain integrity and transparency is integral to creating it equitable.

3. Blockchain Technology are going to be essential to equitable, efficient distribution and be leveraged at a scale never seen before.

4. Finding a coronavirus vaccine is vital, but finding how to distribute it on a worldwide scale are going to be equally crucial. This effort will take building a producing and provide chain capacity larger than ever before, more quickly than ever for vaccine distribution. That success also requires leveraging tools and capabilities  like blockchain  during a way never seen before within the history of fighting pandemics.

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Outdated Health Surveillance Systems

Prevention of diseases has the epidemic potential in public health activity. Many surveillance systems are accustomed track potential new diseases and control existing diseases. Though governments do everything in their power to contain the spread of the Corona virus, their fight is hampered by difficulties within the timely sharing of data with local and international health enforcement agencies on the bottom.

Main issues

1. Task of gathering, cleaning data and verifying in an efficient manner.

2. Non-optimal data management
There is the info management issue. Containing the Coronavirus could come right down to an issue of knowledge management. Gathering data, verifying that data, then cleaning up that data however is way from optimal. 

Epidemiologists need high-quality data to model viruses; with models, they will provide governments with recommendations about the way to contain the disease. But that data is tough to urge or its integrity can't be verified.

3. Underreporting
As results of that the present infection and death statistics are alleged to be much above reported. The coronavirus outbreak has raised concerns over the Chinese government underreporting the amount of infected and deceased. This underreporting are often caused by many disruptions within the system, like the shortage of knowledge transparency.

But also a shortage of testing kits reduces the amount of confirmed cases, and deaths are often attributed to other causes. Unfortunately, it's impossible to understand just how serious this outbreak really is without access to a secure, decentralized closed-circuit television .

4. Political Complications
And there's the difficulty of national centralized surveillance systems not talking cross-border. Diseases can spread quickly across political borders. Traditional systems travel by governments can miss outbreaks because they happen across physical borders. A decentralized system is that the fastest thanks to report outbreaks.

5. Lack of innovation in healthcare systems
In numerous nations healthcare surveillance need advancements, brought about by low interests in new innovations bringing about less viable healthcare frameworks systems.

6. Privacy, security issues, finance and lots of other factors are issues that slow the transmission and exchange of necessary information.

Blockchain’s Potentials:

The time to create borderless solutions supported decentralized technologies has come. Highlighting the necessity for varied improvements within the health care sector, here blockchain could offer ways to enhance many public health activities related to preventing and controlling diseases. Blockchain powered solutions could address and tackle various aspects of the difficulty. Blockchain technology has the power to enhance health, access to information, supply chains and lots of more.

The vaccine must cover every country in every continent and each person in all age group. Assuming the approved vaccine requires only one dosage per individual, a minimum of 7 billion doses of the vaccine will got to be within the hands of healthcare workers. Assuming a 20-30% loss during transit and storage, this might mean on the brink of 10 billion doses within the supply chain.

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A Supply-Chain for Global Coronavirus vaccine also will be unique. Such an equitable supply chain can only be built on a doubtless, openly verifiable, consensus-driven system having immutable integrity of knowledge with no single source of control. to realize the worldwide optimum, rather than a national or regional optimum, vaccine access will critically depend upon an data system with the very best possible integrity, capable of avoiding forces of vested interests. Thus, blockchain and distributed ledger technology are going to be essential for an equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

Additionally, the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain data system must be built with real-time tracking capability and updates on parameters like vaccine storage levels, temperature control, stock-outs, quantities of ancillary supplies. At the size of ~10 billion units, estimates of wastage at every stage of the availability chain and its accuracy are often the key in ensuring or denying access to the vaccine for giant segments of population. Here again, Blockchain Technology are going to be critical.

Can Blockchain help in Preventing Pandemic?

During this global pandemic of coronavirus case, had there been a blockchain where WHO, Health Ministry of every country and should be even relevant nodal hospitals of every country. We’d have seen travel restrictions given sooner, quarantining policies set sooner and social distancing implemented faster. and should be fewer countries would have gotten impacted.

What every country is doing now fighting this pandemic would be restricted to fewer countries and during a much smaller scale. The usage of a Blockchain to share the knowledge early , may need saved the planet tons of pain.

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The world had not seen anything like COVID-19 pandemic before within the recent history. Today we'd like to require a tough check out the reporting infrastructure available for communicable diseases, both technology and regulations and improve upon that, such we don't got to face another pandemic like this within the future

Blockchain might be wont to improve a spread of healthcare-related processes, including record management, healthcare surveillance, tracking disease outbreaks, management crisis situations and lots of more.

1) Tracking communicable disease Outbreaks

Blockchain are often used for tracking public health data surveillance, particularly for communicable disease outbreaks like COVID-19. With increased blockchain transparency, it'll end in more accurate reporting and efficient responses.

Blockchain can help develop treatments swiftly as they might leave rapid processing of knowledge , thus enabling early detection of symptoms before they spread to the extent of epidemics.

2) Donations Tracking

As trust is one among the main issues in donations, Blockchain features a solution for this issue. There has been a priority that the many dollars being donated for the general public aren't being put to use where needed.

3) Crisis Management

Blockchain could also manage a crisis situation. It could instantly alert the general public about the Coronavirus by global institutes just like the WHO using smart contracts concept.

It could offer a secure platform where all the concerning authorities like governments, medical professionals, media, health organizations, media, et al. can update one another about things and stop it from worsening further.

4) Education

‘Certificates’ are a way of verifying the credentials of people across domains and geographies. A paper-based certification is fallible to manipulation and vulnerable to fraud.

The immutability feature of blockchain ensures that tampering of certificate isn't feasible – both the content of the certificate and therefore the identity of the certificate holder.

5) Finance

Blockchain integration in financial exchange can save time and money, and also make the transaction processing and authentication process. Furthermore, Blockchain are often a superb tool to watch concealment and black money accumulation – since all transactions are permanently stored on the Blockchain network, every transaction is accountable. 

Blockchain is additionally capable of handling issues like double spending and unauthorized spending. With Coronavirus panic on use of money currency, here one may find alternatives too.

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Therefore, what we have to improve in the order to use this innovative Technology:

1. There is no confidence within the technology - It's still an innovation, and at its early stage. Building trust within the network represents a challenge for blockchain.

2. High costs and complexity of Blockchain.

3. Absence of Blockchain ability - Whenever an earth shattering innovation rises, the engineer network needs time and assets to oblige the new interest.

4. Absence of understanding comes next the same number of officials have a dubious comprehension of blockchain and in this manner the progressions it'll bring. Many despite everything associate it just with cryptographic forms of money the board.

5. An absence of general guideline and Standards could be an issue - The Supreme Court of India has administered against a decision forced by the nation's monetary establishment almost two years prior that smothered crypto exchanging Asia's third-biggest economy.

6. Energy consumption - The bulk of blockchains present within the market consume a high amount of energy. It requires high amounts of computation power to resolve a complex mathematical problem to verify and process transactions and to secure the network.

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